

Tilted and Legacy Gaming Guild: Pioneering the Future of Gaming and Blockchain

Tilted, a gamified liquidity pool incubated by Binance Labs, and Legacy Gaming Guild (LGC), a thriving community of gamers and creators, have joined forces to push the boundaries of gaming and blockchain innovation. This partnership leverages Tilted’s advanced infrastructure for tokenizing real-world and in-game assets with LGC’s active, organically built…

Tilted & Uquid: Disrupting E-Commerce and Digital Assets

Tilted, a cutting-edge platform incubated by Binance Labs, and Uquid, a leading E-commerce infrastructure with a focus on crypto payments, have teamed up to create a seamless shopping experience for users. Through this collaboration, players can now engage in Uquid’s Shop-to-Earn system and explore an extensive range of physical, digital…

Tilted and Soulbound: A Partnership for the Future of Gaming and Livestreaming

Tilted, an innovative gamified liquidity pool and RWA infrastructure layer for the BNB Chain, has partnered with Soulbound TV, a decentralized livestreaming platform. Together, they aim to reshape the digital entertainment landscape, combining tokenized real-world assets (RWAs) and livestreaming to empower creators and engage audiences. About Soulbound TV Soulbound integrates…

Tilted and Block Trucks Unite to Enhance Web3 Gaming

Tilted and Block Trucks have partnered to merge blockchain technology with competitive multiplayer racing. This collaboration enriches the gaming experience by bringing blockchain-backed ownership and earning opportunities to players. Innovative Partnership Highlights Tilted’s Expertise: A gamified liquidity pool. Tokenization of RWAs and NFTs for secure ownership of digital assets. Features…