

Tilted and Burn Ghost: Advancing Web3 Gaming Together

Tilted, a Binance Labs-incubated gamified liquidity pool, and Burn Ghost, a hybrid-casual gaming platform, are collaborating to create enhanced opportunities in Web3 gaming. Both projects are committed to transforming their respective spaces—Burn Ghost focuses on rewarding players through skill-based games, while Tilted excels at tokenizing real-world and digital assets for…

Tilted and Metakraft AI: Redefining Web3 in XR Applications

Tilted and Metakraft AI have formed a strategic partnership to transform decentralized XR ecosystems by leveraging their combined strengths in AI and blockchain technologies. This collaboration seeks to empower creators, studios, and gamers by integrating AI-driven tools and tokenized asset trading into XR applications. With a focus on innovation and…

Tilted and ScarQuest Partnership: Elevating Web3 Gaming

Tilted and ScarQuest are teaming up to advance decentralized, player-driven gaming. ScarQuest, a Web3 game set in space, lets players engage in combat, capture valuable assets, and manage their own land and heroes. This collaboration with Tilted, a Binance Labs-backed project focused on gamified liquidity pools and RWA (Real World…

Tilted & seecoin: Powering Usable GameFi and MarketingFi for Web3

The partnership between Tilted and seecoin opens up a new era in Web3 gaming, streaming, and marketing by combining usability with passive income opportunities. Tilted, an L2 RWA (Real-World Asset) infrastructure layer incubated by Binance Labs, is recognized as a top platform for tokenizing gaming assets, allowing users to buy,…