Why Game Assets Matter to Gamers


August 27, 2024


The assets gamers depend on to level-up and move through gaming worlds are more than just tools of the trade. They’re assets with real-world value. After all, gamers have paid real money for them. It follows that those gamers –not platforms– should own that value. So, why don’t they?


For as long as there’ve been video games, those games have included states or elements of exception that lend the player a strategic advantage. Extra lives. Invisibility cloaks. Special tools or weapons. And so on and so forth. Typically, over time, a player learns how and when to acquire, diversify, and leverage these assets to improve their performance within the game. 


We’re not breaking any big news here. This is common sense to anyone who’s ever visited an arcade or picked up a controller. If you’re a gamer, you understand how critical asset acquisition is. You understand the need to strategically diversify your assets; to be adaptable, flexible, and responsive to different challenges a game presents. Maybe you’ve even onboarded this understanding without giving it much thought. Maybe it’s just muscle-memory you’ve developed while playing. 


That said, there’s good reason to start actively thinking about how you go about acquiring and managing gaming assets. Why? Because as games have improved and grown more sophisticated –and notably, more networked– two things have happened that fundamentally changed the conversation when it comes to gaming assets.. 


First, gaming assets have moved away from being items you encounter by chance or at certain intervals within a game. More and more they’ve become assets you purchase. This isn’t just a difference of degrees. It’s a difference of type. What were once mere bits of code within a larger digital package are now actual digital assets with monetary value attached to them. 


Meanwhile, you don’t actually own the gaming asset, and while it now has monetary value, has no liquidity. You can’t exchange it or sell it, or get any portion of the money you invested in it back if you turn it back over to the platform. If the platform retires or deletes that asset, or even shuts down the game entirely – the value of that asset disappears.


In addition to making gaming assets purchases, gaming platforms have introduced play-to-earn or P2E models, where players can actually earn tokens of some value for time spent playing or accomplishments within a game. 


While this is a perfectly sensible way to incentivize players to stay engaged with a game, it highlights the problem with how gaming assets are “owned”. By offering a return on your performance –a performance you can improve by strategically investing in a given asset or set of assets– gaming platforms are confirming that these are, in fact, well… investments. They are  confirming that these are investments with real world value beyond the confines of the game. By putting money into the acquisition of tools that provide a competitive advantage, you improve your shot at earnings. It’s a textbook example of investment and return, no different than (say… ) a coffee shop investing in better coffee or better brewing tools in pursuit of better outcomes and greater returns in revenue. 


Why let gaming platforms control the value of your gaming assets?


Tilted’s marketplace aims to support players who understand the importance of strategic asset acquisition, and allow them to take back the value of their assets. It provides a platform where you can not only buy and sell game assets but also discover what assets are trending and why. With Tilted, you can access live videos, reviews, and detailed content about various game skins, so that you can make informed decisions about the assets you buy. This is especially beneficial for players looking to maximize their performance in games like Fortnite or CS2. Tilted allows you to stay updated on the latest developments, ensuring that your asset collection is always optimized for success.

Beyond just buying and selling assets, Tilted introduces a revolutionary concept that adds even more value to your game assets: Liquidity pools powered by decentralized finance (DeFi). By tokenizing your game assets and contributing them to a liquidity pool, you’re not just holding assets; you’re putting them to work. These pools allow gamers to earn rewards and incentives, turning their in-game investments into passive income streams. The additional utility provided by liquidity pools is significant—gamers can participate in DeFi without needing extensive knowledge of finance. You can simply stake your assets, earn rewards, and benefit from the collective power of the pool.

The importance of evaluating your current asset collection cannot be overstated. As new updates and patches are released, certain assets may lose their effectiveness, while others become more valuable. Regularly assessing your collection and making adjustments based on the latest information is key to staying on top. With Tilted, you can easily track these changes and get insights from top players and content creators, so that you’re always making the most informed decisions, keeping your asset collection relevant and competitive.

As you continue to build and refine your asset collection, don’t forget to leverage the wealth of content available on Tilted’s platform. From live video streams and expert reviews to community feedback and detailed guides, Tilted provides everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. And if you’re looking to enhance your performance in Fortnite specifically, make sure to watch the accompanying video that highlights the Top 3 skins guaranteed to help you take top 1.

Tilted is not just a marketplace—it’s your ultimate resource for mastering the games you love. This week, we’re shining a spotlight on the game skins that can make all the difference in your gameplay. Subscribe to Tilted’s YouTube channel for more tips, tricks, and insider knowledge.


In the competitive world of gaming, having the right assets can make all the difference between victory and defeat.

Start your gameplay journey now with Tilted’s airdrop campaign. Earn your share of $270,000 in rewards today!

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